
How To Prepare For Exams And Tackle Exam Pressure? From CBSE Experts

In an interview to Shub Karman Dhaliwal, of  Indian Express Madhu Bhal, National CBSE counselor, has given mantras for preparation for examination and how to tackle the exam pressure. She has a very difficult task as she says she receives 12 calls on average which require guidance on topics ranging from exam preparation, exam tips to confusion about the exams till rules and guidelines for the board examination. The most important conclusion this interview makes is that "students must Study a maximum of 10 hours and a minimum of seven".

The most important takeaway from this interview is that these calls are generally from rural parts of the country. When asked about the queries she says that she get queries pertaining to subjects such as science and mathematics. The most popular group of students are non-medical students who ask them question pertaining to the subject and sometimes even chapter or one topic.

Since the calls are directly forwarded from CBSE office hence only subject experts are given the chance to talk to students. But she figure out that students tend
to forget and strike a balance between the subjects because by default they focus more on mathematics and science, neglecting the subjects such as English Social Science and other optional subjects which in
turn create a problem in scoring good percentage.

Thus she suggests students to that the students should always have a balanced approach in preparing for board exams.

On a choice diet that students must choice she says that should avoid eating too much heavy food, and parents must prepare a light food which doesn't give them sleep and make them feel lethargic and lazy.

She has also given certain guidelines on parenting rules, stating that parents must not give unnecessary pressure to their children which could range from studying whole day to securing good marks in the exams.
She specifically states that days before exam environment around students must be friendly and calm so that he can concentrate effectively.

On being asked about the new pattern of boards from next year she very specially said that,

Yes, the board exam system is a refined and a uniform way of doing things, as you have the half-yearly exams, pre-boards and then the final boards. This pattern helps students prepare properly and efficiently in a planned manner.


Note: The Content below is the excerpts of an interview given to Indian Express. For the full interview click here.

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