
Tips To Help Children Improve Their Learning Ability

Parenting is always a tough job and when it comes to motivating their children then their task becomes tougher. Though no one knows their child better than his/her parents, we have figured out few salient points which may help you to motivate the child to prepare themselves for future.The child mental age is very tender in nature and if nurtured with lots of positivity and optimism then, not only he will be successful in his career, but they shall surely turn out to be a good human.

Competition with oneself

A child must be made to compete with themselves. By doing so they will overcome their weaknesses and also they will not feel inferior as they are being compared to themselves. Comparing with themselves will give them a benchmark to compete for and they would know they can achieve it.

Create group

If possible help them build a group, a study group, where they can get a chance to develop skills by learning from others. By being in a group, they will also be able to help others overcome their difficulties, which will develop their emotional quality and will also brush their knowledge on the subject.

Give them time to come up with the solution

Give child problem and also the time to come up with the solution. By doing this they will push themselves to their fullest to come up with the solution. Giving the solution right away with the problem will not help them use their own skills or push their potential. So a child should be given sufficient time to come up with the solution.


A reward is one of the best ways to motivate. Such kind of nature is also practised at organizations to boost one’s interest towards the organization or their job. So for achievement, big or small, if a child is rewarded it will motivate them to do good and also will keep their interest towards the subject.

Real life solution

Try to relate what a student is learning with their real life. This will increase their interest towards the subject and will help them think practically, which is the main motive of education. This will also them in their future life as they will know what they have learned and how to solve real-life issues using their knowledge.


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